from PIL import Imageimport argparsefrom pathlib import Pathfrom concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutorimport osfrom time import timedef parse_args(): """解析命令行参数""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert PNG to WEBP", usage=""" # 直接执行, 默认转换当前目录下的所有png文件到同级目录 python main.py # 将转换后的webp文件保存到output目录下 python main.py -o output # 转换单个png文件, 单独转换时不支持指定输出目录 python main.py -f 1.png # 同时转换, -t 指定最大并发数, 默认为1, 最大不得超过CPU核心数 python main.py -t 2 # 指定图片压缩质量, 默认为80, 取值区间为, 值越高, 质量越好, 生成图片体积越大 python main.py -q 75 """) parser.add_argument( "-i", type=str, default=os.getcwd(), help="Path to the input PNG image" ) parser.add_argument( "-o", type=str, default=os.getcwd(), help="Path to the output WEBP image" ) parser.add_argument("-f", type=str, default="", help="specific file name") parser.add_argument("-t", type=int, default=1, help="Number of threads to use") parser.add_argument( "-q", type=int, default=80, help="Quality of the output WEBP image" ) return parser.parse_args()def convert_png_to_webp(input_path: Path, output_path: Path, quality=80) -> None: """ 转换PNG为WEBP Args: input_path (Path): 输入文件路径 output_path (Path): 输出文件路径, 可以是一个目录, 也可以是一个webp文件的路径 quality (int, optional): 图片压缩质量. 默认为 80. """ # 如果quality不在0到100之间, 则设置为80 if quality > 100 or quality < 0: print("quality must be between 0 and 100, now set to 80") real_q = quality if quality <= 100 and quality > 0 else 80 # 如果输入文件不存在, 则打印错误信息并返回 if not input_path.exists(): print(f"input file {input_path} not found") return # 如果指定了输出目录, 则尝试创建输出目录 if not output_path.exists() and output_path.suffix.lower() != ".webp": try: output_path.mkdir(parents=True) except Exception as e: print(e) print("Failed to create output directory") return # 如果指定了输出目录, 则修改输出文件名为为输入文件名, 并修改扩展名为.webp if output_path.suffix.lower() != ".webp": output_path = output_path / input_path.with_suffix(".webp").name start = time() try: with Image.open(input_path) as img: print( f"Converting {input_path}, quality={real_q}, size: {input_path.stat().st_size / 1024:.2f}KB" ) img.save(output_path, "WEBP", quality=real_q) print( f"Convert png2webp successfully, output file: {output_path.name}, size: {int(output_path.stat().st_size) / 1024:.2f}KB, elapsed time: {time() - start:.2f}s" ) except Exception as e: print(f"Convert png2webp failed: {e}")def multi_thread_convert(max_workers: int, input_path, output_path, quality) -> None: """并发转换png为webp""" print(f"convert png to webp with multi threads, max_workers: {max_workers}") p = Path(input_path) op = Path(output_path) if output_path != os.getcwd() else None max_workers = max_workers if max_workers < os.cpu_count() else os.cpu_count() with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: for f in p.glob("**/*.png"): executor.submit( convert_png_to_webp, f, op or f.with_suffix(".webp"), quality )def main(): start = time() args = parse_args() if not args.f: if args.t > 1: multi_thread_convert(args.t, args.i, args.o, args.q) else: p = Path(args.i) op = Path(args.o) if args.o != os.getcwd() else None for f in p.glob("**/*.png"): convert_png_to_webp(f, op or f.with_suffix(".webp"), args.q) else: p = Path(args.f) convert_png_to_webp(p, p.with_suffix(".webp"), args.q) print(f"Finished! Total elapsed time: {time() - start:.2f}s")if __name__ == "__main__": main()编译
python -m venv png2webp
# linuxcd png2webpsource ./bin/activate# windows powershellcd png2webp.\Scripts\activate
python -m pip install pillow pyinstaller
pyinstaller -F --clean .\main.py
png2webp --help使用
# 直接执行, 默认转换当前目录下的所有png文件到同级目录png2webp# 将转换后的webp文件保存到output目录下png2webp -o output# 转换单个png文件, 单独转换时不支持指定输出目录png2webp -f 1.png# 同时转换, -t 指定最大并发数, 默认为1, 最大不得超过CPU核心数png2webp -t 2# 指定图片压缩质量, 默认为80, 取值区间为, 值越高, 质量越好, 生成图片体积越大png2webp -q 75