DM SQL关联列 like 优化案例
达梦一哥们找我优化条SQL,反馈在DM8数据库执行时间很慢出不来结果, 监控工具显示这条SQL的执行时间需要20多万毫秒,安排。
select a.col1 as d_id,a.col2 as s_id,a.col3 as bm,a.col4,a.col5,(select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb1' and b.col1 = a.col20) as bb,a.col6 as dzzlxr,a.col7 as dzzlxdh,(select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb2' and b.col1 = a.col21) as bc,(select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb3' and b.col1 = a.col22) as cb,a.col8,date_format(a.col9, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as gx,a.col10 as cid,a.col11 as tp,(select b.col5 from table1 b where b.col1 = a.col2) as sj,(select count(*) from table3 dy left join table1 dzz on dy.col1 = dzz.col1 where dzz.col11 like concat(a.col11,'%')) as rcfrom table1 awhere 1 = 1and a.col1 in ( /* 这里 in 了 600 个 字符串条件 */ );100条执行成功, 执行耗时1分 28秒 248毫秒. 执行号:14327578091.3、慢sql执行计划
1 #NSET2: 2 #PIPE2: 3 #PIPE2: 4 #PIPE2: 5 #PIPE2: 6 #PIPE2: 7 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(17), is_atom(FALSE) 8 #NEST LOOP INDEX JOIN2: 9 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 10 #BLKUP2: ; INDEX33571964(A)11 #SSEK2: ; scan_type(ASC), INDEX33571964(table1 as A), scan_range12 #SPL2: ; key_num(2), spool_num(4), is_atom(FALSE), has_variable(0) 13 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(3), is_atom(FALSE) 14 #HAGR2: ; grp_num(1), sfun_num(3); slave_empty(0) keys(A.ROWID) 15 #NEST LOOP LEFT JOIN2: ; join condition(DZZ.col11 LIKE exp11) partition_keys_num(0) ret_null(0)16 #NEST LOOP INDEX JOIN2: 17 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 18 #BLKUP2: ; INDEX33571964(A)19 #SSEK2: ; scan_type(ASC), INDEX33571964(table1 as A), scan_range20 #HASH2 INNER JOIN: ; LKEY_UNIQUE KEY_NUM(1); KEY(DZZ.col1=DY.col1) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)21 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as DZZ)22 #SSCN: ; IDX_DYJBXX_ORGID(table3 as DY)23 #SPL2: ; key_num(2), spool_num(3), is_atom(FALSE), has_variable(0) 24 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(2), is_atom(FALSE) 25 #HASH RIGHT SEMI JOIN2: ; n_keys(1) KEY(DMTEMPVIEW_22201694.colname=A.col1) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)26 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 27 #HASH2 INNER JOIN: ; LKEY_UNIQUE KEY_NUM(1); KEY(B.col1=A.col2) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)28 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as B)29 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as A)30 #SPL2: ; key_num(2), spool_num(2), is_atom(FALSE), has_variable(0) 31 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(2), is_atom(FALSE) 32 #HASH RIGHT SEMI JOIN2: ; n_keys(1) KEY(DMTEMPVIEW_22201695.colname=A.col1) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)33 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 34 #HASH2 INNER JOIN: ;KEY_NUM(1); KEY(B.col1=A.col22) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)35 #SSEK2: ; scan_type(ASC), INDEX33572004(table2 as B), scan_range[('zb3',min),('zb3',max))36 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as A)37 #SPL2: ; key_num(2), spool_num(1), is_atom(FALSE), has_variable(0) 38 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(2), is_atom(FALSE) 39 #HASH RIGHT SEMI JOIN2: ; n_keys(1) KEY(DMTEMPVIEW_22201696.colname=A.col1) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)40 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 41 #HASH2 INNER JOIN: ;KEY_NUM(1); KEY(B.col1=A.col21) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)42 #SSEK2: ; scan_type(ASC), INDEX33572004(table2 as B), scan_range[('zb2',min),('zb2',max))43 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as A)44 #SPL2: ; key_num(2), spool_num(0), is_atom(FALSE), has_variable(0) 45 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(2), is_atom(FALSE) 46 #HASH RIGHT SEMI JOIN2: ; n_keys(1) KEY(DMTEMPVIEW_22201697.colname=A.col1) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)47 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 48 #HASH2 INNER JOIN: ;KEY_NUM(1); KEY(B.col1=A.col20) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)49 #SSEK2: ; scan_type(ASC), INDEX33572004(table2 as B), scan_range[('zb1',min),('zb1',max))50 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as A)1.4、涉及表的数据量
select count(1) from table1union allselect count(1) from table2union allselect count(1) from table3;
(select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb1' and b.col1 = a.col20) as bb,(select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb2' and b.col1 = a.col21) as bc,(select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb3' and b.col1 = a.col22) as cb,(select count(*) from table3 dy left join table1 dzz on dy.col1 = dzz.col1 where dzz.col11 like concat(a.col11,'%')) as rc每段标量子查询测试后,发现是最后一段标量子查询缓慢导致
-- (select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb1' and b.col1 = a.col20) as bb,-- (select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb2' and b.col1 = a.col21) as bc,-- (select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb3' and b.col1 = a.col22) as cb,(select count(*) from table3 dy left join table1 dzz on dy.col1 = dzz.col1 where dzz.col11 like concat(a.col11,'%')) as rc做了个测试,如果将 like 改成 = 的话,非常快出结果
(select count(*) from table3 dy left join table1 dzz on dy.col1 = dzz.col1 where dzz.col11 = a.col11 ) as rcdzz.col11 字段是有索引,尝试过各种手段都用不上,只能改写SQL。
我想法就是将 like 关联这种模糊态查询改成 = 这种确定态的精准匹配逻辑,想了好几个小时都没什么头绪。
后面只能去翻翻落总博客,卧槽,还没想到真的给我看到类似的case ,瞬间有了灵感做了下面改写:
select a.col1 as d_id,a.col2 as s_id,a.col3 as bm,a.col4,a.col5,(select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb1' and b.col1 = a.col20) as bb,a.col6 as dzzlxr,a.col7 as dzzlxdh,(select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb2' and b.col1 = a.col21) as bc,(select b.col1 from table2 b where b.col_itname = 'zb3' and b.col1 = a.col22) as cb,a.col8,date_format(a.col9, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as gx,a.col10 as cid,a.col11 as tp,(select b.col5 from table1 b where b.col1 = a.col2) as sj,b.cnt as rcfrom table1 aLEFT JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) cnt,dzz.col11FROM table3 dyLEFT JOIN table1 dzzON dy.col1 = dzz.col1GROUP BY dzz.col11) b ON SUBSTR(b.col11, 1, LENGTH(a.col11)) = a.col11where 1 = 1and a.col1 in (-- 这里 in 了 600 个 字符串条件);100条执行成功, 执行耗时5秒 326毫秒. 执行号:1435485506改写完后5秒左右就能出结果了,差集比对后也是等价,呦西。
1 #NSET2: 2 #PIPE2: 3 #PIPE2: 4 #PIPE2: 5 #PIPE2: 6 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(16), is_atom(FALSE) 7 #NEST LOOP LEFT JOIN2: ; join condition(A.col11 = exp11) partition_keys_num(0) ret_null(0)8 #NEST LOOP INDEX JOIN2: 9 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 10 #BLKUP2: ; INDEX33571964(A)11 #SSEK2: ; scan_type(ASC), INDEX33571964(table1 as A), scan_range12 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(2), is_atom(FALSE) 13 #HAGR2: ; grp_num(1), sfun_num(1); slave_empty(0) keys(DZZ.col11) 14 #HASH RIGHT JOIN2: ; key_num(1), ret_null(0), KEY(DZZ.col1=DY.col1)15 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as DZZ)16 #SSCN: ; IDX_DYJBXX_ORGID(table3 as DY)17 #SPL2: ; key_num(2), spool_num(3), is_atom(FALSE), has_variable(0) 18 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(2), is_atom(FALSE) 19 #HASH RIGHT SEMI JOIN2: ; n_keys(1) KEY(DMTEMPVIEW_22201597.colname=A.col1) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)20 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 21 #HASH2 INNER JOIN: ; LKEY_UNIQUE KEY_NUM(1); KEY(B.col1=A.col2) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)22 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as B)23 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as A)24 #SPL2: ; key_num(2), spool_num(2), is_atom(FALSE), has_variable(0) 25 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(2), is_atom(FALSE) 26 #HASH RIGHT SEMI JOIN2: ; n_keys(1) KEY(DMTEMPVIEW_22201598.colname=A.col1) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)27 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 28 #HASH2 INNER JOIN: ;KEY_NUM(1); KEY(B.col1=A.col22) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)29 #SSEK2: ; scan_type(ASC), INDEX33572004(table2 as B), scan_range[('zb3',min),('zb3',max))30 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as A)31 #SPL2: ; key_num(2), spool_num(1), is_atom(FALSE), has_variable(0) 32 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(2), is_atom(FALSE) 33 #HASH RIGHT SEMI JOIN2: ; n_keys(1) KEY(DMTEMPVIEW_22201599.colname=A.col1) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)34 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 35 #HASH2 INNER JOIN: ;KEY_NUM(1); KEY(B.col1=A.col21) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)36 #SSEK2: ; scan_type(ASC), INDEX33572004(table2 as B), scan_range[('zb2',min),('zb2',max))37 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as A)38 #SPL2: ; key_num(2), spool_num(0), is_atom(FALSE), has_variable(0) 39 #PRJT2: ; exp_num(2), is_atom(FALSE) 40 #HASH RIGHT SEMI JOIN2: ; n_keys(1) KEY(DMTEMPVIEW_22201600.colname=A.col1) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)41 #CONST VALUE LIST: ; row_num(600), col_num(1), 42 #HASH2 INNER JOIN: ;KEY_NUM(1); KEY(B.col1=A.col20) KEY_NULL_EQU(0)43 #SSEK2: ; scan_type(ASC), INDEX33572004(table2 as B), scan_range[('zb1',min),('zb1',max))44 #CSCN2: ; INDEX33571530(table1 as A)2.3、 总结
像这种用 like 做关联很明显是业务涉及不规范,不符合三范式要求。
在业务设计初期,尽量满足好三范式设计,后续才能少点用 like 这种模糊态的查询操作。
业务允许的情况下,尽量使用 = 精确匹配来代替like。