第三条规则就是一个格子显示雷的数值在某些情况下是可以通过附近24个格子的数值进行优化的,比如一个格子的坐标为(x, y)那么在其-2,+2的范围下的其他标有数值的格子是可能和其进行化简的。
比如:一个格子坐标为(x, y)数值为3,其周边8个格子标有雷的数量为0,未被揭开的格子有四个,我们假设这4个未揭开的格子的真实有雷和无雷的情况分别用0或1表示,那么我们可以得到下面这个等式:
而坐标为(x+2, y+2)的一个格子可以得到下面的等式:
同理,如果假设(x-2, y-2)的一个格子的数值表示为a+b+c+d+e=3,那么我们可以判断出e这个表示的格子的情况一定为无雷的。
import numpy as npimport randomfrom typing import Listdef belong_to(h, w, H, W): near = [] for i in range(h-2, h+3): for j in range(w-2, w+3): if i>=0 and j>=0 and i<H and j<W and (i,j)!=(h,w): near.append((i, j)) return neardef near_by(h, w, H, W): near = [] for i in range(h-1, h+2): for j in range(w-1, w+2): if i>=0 and j>=0 and i<H and j<W and (i,j)!=(h,w): near.append((i,j)) return neardef mine_count(h, w, real_state:np.array, H, W): count = 0 for i, j in near_by(h, w, H=H, W=W): if real_state==1: count += 1 return countclass Env(): def __init__(self, H, W, N): self.H = H self.W = W self.N = N # real state中0表示无雷,1表示有雷 self.real_state = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=np.int32) self.mine = set() while len(self.mine)!=N: self.mine.add(random.randint(0, H*W-1)) for x in self.mine: # print(x, self.H, self.W) # print(self.real_state.shape) self.real_state = 1 # state_type中0表示无雷,1-8表示有雷, 用此来表示对附近雷的计数 self.state_type = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=np.int32) for i in range(H): for j in range(W): self.state_type = mine_count(h=i, w=j, H=H, W=W, real_state=self.real_state) # obs为-100表示未翻开(未知),0-8表示翻开但无雷,数值大小表示翻开位置周边雷的数量 # agent的状态记录所用,也可以用来作为打印之用 self.obs = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=np.int32) -100 def act(self, i, j): done = False if self.obs!=-100: print("该位置已经被揭开过,重复翻开,error!!!") return ValueError if self.real_state == 1: # game over 触雷 done = True return None, done self.obs = self.state_type return self.obs, done def pp(self): for i in range(self.H): for j in range(self.W): if self.obs>=0: print(self.obs, end=' ') else: print('*', end=' ') print() def input(self): while True: i, j = input('请输入坐标:').split() _, done = self.act(int(i), int(j)) if done: print('game over!!!') print(self.real_state) print(self.state_type) break self.pp() # 测试用# env=Env(5, 5, 5)# env.input()def play(): N = 99# 雷的数量 H = 16 W = 30 env = Env(H=H, W=W, N=N)# H=36, W=64, N=100 known_count_dict = {} # (2,2):3, (3,3):2 known_set = set() #(2, 2) unknown_set = set() boom_set = set() for i in range(H): for j in range(W): unknown_set.add((i,j)) new_nodes = [] new_relation_nodes_set = set() while(len(unknown_set)>0): probs_list = [] # ((1,1), 0.5, 3), ((2,2), 0.5, 2) # (node, prob, count) # count为node附近的unknown个数 for node in unknown_set: p_list = [] n_c = 0# node附近的unknown_node的个数 for _node in near_by(*node, H, W): if _node in unknown_set: n_c += 1 if _node in known_set: count = known_count_dict n = 0 for _node_node in near_by(*_node, H, W): if _node_node in unknown_set: n += 1 if _node_node in boom_set: count -= 1 p_list.append(count/n) # 有雷的概率 p_list.append(N/len(unknown_set)) probs_list.append((node, max(p_list), n_c)) m_p = min(probs_list, key=lambda x:x) probs_list = ==m_p] node = min(probs_list, key=lambda x:x) count, done = env.act(*node) if done == True: print('游戏失败,触雷,game over!!!') print(node) raise Exception print("成功完成一步!!! \n\n") print("remove node:", node) unknown_set.remove(node) known_set.add(node) known_count_dict = count env.pp()# 打印当前游戏环境的显示 new_nodes.append(node) new_relation_nodes_set.add(node) while new_nodes or new_relation_nodes_set: # debug # print(new_nodes) # print(new_relation_nodes_set) while new_nodes: node = new_nodes.pop() k = 0 b = 0 count = known_count_dict tmp_unk = set() for _node in near_by(*node, H, W): if _node in known_set: new_relation_nodes_set.add(_node) # k += 1 continue if _node in boom_set: new_relation_nodes_set.add(_node) b += 1 continue tmp_unk.add(_node) # 对unknown节点进行判断 count -= b if count==len(tmp_unk): # 全是雷 for _node in tmp_unk: print("remove node:", _node) unknown_set.remove(_node) boom_set.add(_node) new_relation_nodes_set.add(_node) N -= 1 if count==0 and len(tmp_unk) > 0: # 全都不是雷 for _node in tmp_unk: c, done = env.act(*_node) if done: print("程序判断出错,把雷误触发了!!!") raise Exception print("remove node:", _node) unknown_set.remove(_node) known_set.add(_node) known_count_dict = c new_nodes.append(_node) new_relation_nodes_set.add(_node) while new_relation_nodes_set: node = new_relation_nodes_set.pop() tmp_set = set() for i in range(-2, 3): for j in range(-2, 3): if node+i>=0 and node+i<H and node+j>=0 and node+j<W: if (node+i, node+j) in known_set: if known_count_dict[(node+i, node+j)]==0: continue tmp_set.add((node+i, node+j)) if len(tmp_set)==0: continue relations = [] for node in tmp_set:# node 为 known set tmp_tmp_set = set() c = known_count_dict for _node in near_by(*node, H, W): if _node in boom_set: c -= 1 continue if _node in unknown_set: tmp_tmp_set.add(_node) continue if len(tmp_tmp_set)==0: continue relations.append() if len(relations)<2: continue for i in range(0, len(relations)): for j in range(1, len(relations)): if relations.issuperset(relations): relations -= relations relations -= relations if relations==len(relations) and relations>0: # 全是雷 for _node in relations: if _node in boom_set: continue print("remove node:", _node) unknown_set.remove(_node) boom_set.add(_node) new_relation_nodes_set.add(relations) N -= 1 if relations==0 and len(relations): # 全都不是雷 for _node in relations: if _node in known_set: continue c, done = env.act(*_node) if done: print("程序判断出错,把雷误触发了!!!") raise Exception print("remove node:", _node) unknown_set.remove(_node) known_set.add(_node) known_count_dict = c new_nodes.append(_node) new_relation_nodes_set.add(_node) if relations.issuperset(relations): relations -= relations relations -= relations if relations==len(relations) and relations>0: # 全是雷 for _node in relations: if _node in boom_set: continue print("remove node:", _node) unknown_set.remove(_node) boom_set.add(_node) new_relation_nodes_set.add(relations) N -= 1 if relations==0 and len(relations): # 全都不是雷 for _node in relations: if _node in known_set: continue c, done = env.act(*_node) if done: print("程序判断出错,把雷误触发了!!!") raise Exception print("remove node:", _node) unknown_set.remove(_node) known_set.add(_node) known_count_dict = c new_nodes.append(_node) new_relation_nodes_set.add(_node) print('游戏胜利,game over!!!') return Truesss = []for xyz in range(30000): try: sss.append(play()) print('第 %d 次游戏成功'%xyz) except Exception: print('第 %d 次游戏失败!!!'%xyz) continueprint("成功次数: ", sum(sss))print("成功比例: ", sum(sss)/30000)