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border-left: 8px solid rgba(31, 136, 61, 1); background-color: rgba(232, 244, 235, 1); border-radius: 7px; transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease, border-radius 0.3s ease, border-left 0.3s ease }.md-alert.md-alert-tip:hover { border-left: calc(8px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) solid #1F883D; box-shadow: calc(0px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) calc(1px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) calc(3px + 3px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) rgba(0, 0, 0, calc(0.15 * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect))); border-radius: calc(7px + 8px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) }.md-alert.md-alert-tip table thead, .md-alert.md-alert-tip .md-table-fig .md-table thead { background-color: rgba(59, 148, 87, 1); color: rgba(250, 251, 250, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-caution { padding: 0.5rem 1rem; border-left: 8px solid rgba(207, 34, 46, 1); background-color: rgba(245, 236, 236, 1); border-radius: 7px; transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease, border-radius 0.3s ease, border-left 0.3s ease }.md-alert.md-alert-caution:hover { border-left: calc(8px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) solid #CF222E; box-shadow: calc(0px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) calc(1px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) calc(3px + 3px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) rgba(0, 0, 0, calc(0.15 * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect))); border-radius: calc(7px + 8px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) }.md-alert.md-alert-caution p:hover { background-color: rgba(207, 34, 45, 0.04) }.md-alert.md-alert-caution ::selection { background-color: rgba(207, 34, 45, 0.09) }.md-alert.md-alert-caution strong, .md-alert.md-alert-caution em, .md-alert.md-alert-caution code, .md-alert.md-alert-caution a { color: rgba(207, 34, 46, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-caution table thead, .md-alert.md-alert-caution .md-table-fig .md-table thead { background-color: rgba(216, 60, 70, 1); color: rgba(250, 251, 250, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-caution ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-caution ul ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-caution ul ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-caution ol .md-list-item:hover::marker { color: rgba(207, 34, 46, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-warning { padding: 0.5rem 1rem; border-left: 8px solid rgba(154, 103, 0, 1); background-color: rgba(244, 241, 233, 1); border-radius: 7px; transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease, border-radius 0.3s ease, border-left 0.3s ease }.md-alert.md-alert-warning:hover { border-left: calc(8px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) solid #9A6700; box-shadow: calc(0px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) calc(1px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) calc(3px + 3px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) rgba(0, 0, 0, calc(0.15 * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect))); border-radius: calc(7px + 8px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) }.md-alert.md-alert-warning p:hover { background-color: rgba(154, 103, 0, 0.04) }.md-alert.md-alert-warning ::selection { background-color: rgba(154, 103, 0, 0.09) }.md-alert.md-alert-warning strong, .md-alert.md-alert-warning em, .md-alert.md-alert-warning code, .md-alert.md-alert-warning a { color: rgba(154, 103, 0, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-warning table thead, .md-alert.md-alert-warning .md-table-fig .md-table thead { background-color: rgba(183, 131, 28, 1); color: rgba(250, 251, 250, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-warning ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-warning ul ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-warning ul ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-warning ol .md-list-item:hover::marker { color: rgba(154, 103, 0, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-important { padding: 0.5rem 1rem; border-left: 8px solid rgba(130, 80, 223, 1); background-color: rgba(234, 230, 242, 1); border-radius: 7px; transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease, border-radius 0.3s ease, border-left 0.3s ease }.md-alert.md-alert-important:hover { border-left: calc(8px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) solid #8250DF; box-shadow: calc(0px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) calc(1px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) calc(3px + 3px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) rgba(0, 0, 0, calc(0.15 * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect))); border-radius: calc(7px + 8px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) }.md-alert.md-alert-important p:hover { background-color: rgba(130, 80, 223, 0.04) }.md-alert.md-alert-important ::selection { background-color: rgba(130, 80, 223, 0.09) }.md-alert.md-alert-important strong, .md-alert.md-alert-important em, .md-alert.md-alert-important code, .md-alert.md-alert-important a { color: rgba(130, 80, 223, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-important table thead, .md-alert.md-alert-important .md-table-fig .md-table thead { background-color: rgba(149, 102, 238, 1); color: rgba(250, 251, 250, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-important ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-important ul ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-important ul ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-important ol .md-list-item:hover::marker { color: rgba(130, 80, 223, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-note { padding: 0.5rem 1rem; border-left: 8px solid rgba(9, 105, 218, 1); background-color: rgba(229, 235, 241, 1); border-radius: 7px; transition: box-shadow 0.3s ease, border-radius 0.3s ease, border-left 0.3s ease }.md-alert.md-alert-note:hover { border-left: calc(8px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) solid #0969DA; box-shadow: calc(0px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) calc(1px + 1px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) calc(3px + 3px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) rgba(0, 0, 0, calc(0.15 * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect))); border-radius: calc(7px + 8px * var(--alert-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) }.md-alert.md-alert-note p:hover { background-color: rgba(9, 105, 218, 0.04) }.md-alert.md-alert-note ::selection { background-color: rgba(9, 105, 218, 0.09) }.md-alert.md-alert-note strong, .md-alert.md-alert-note em, .md-alert.md-alert-note code, .md-alert.md-alert-note a { color: rgba(9, 105, 218, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-note table thead, .md-alert.md-alert-note .md-table-fig .md-table thead { background-color: rgba(53, 129, 217, 1); color: rgba(250, 251, 250, 1) }.md-alert.md-alert-note ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-note ul ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-note ul ul .md-list-item::marker,.md-alert.md-alert-note ol .md-list-item:hover::marker { color: rgba(9, 105, 218, 1) }.md-alert p { margin: 0.1rem 0 }blockquote code, .md-alert.md-alert-tip code, .md-alert.md-alert-caution code, .md-alert.md-alert-warning code, .md-alert.md-alert-important code, .md-alert.md-alert-note code { background-color: rgba(103, 103, 103, 0.09) }.md-alert.md-alert-tip .md-fences::before, .md-alert.md-alert-caution .md-fences::before, .md-alert.md-alert-warning .md-fences::before, .md-alert.md-alert-important .md-fences::before, .md-alert.md-alert-note .md-fences::before { background: rgba(252, 98, 93, 1); box-shadow: 20px 0 rgba(253, 188, 64, 1), 40px 0 rgba(53, 205, 75, 1) }blockquote td, .md-alert.md-alert-tip td, .md-alert.md-alert-caution td, .md-alert.md-alert-warning td, .md-alert.md-alert-important td, .md-alert.md-alert-note td { background-color: rgba(250, 250, 250, 1) }.md-alert-text-container { font-size: 20px }hr { position: relative; 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opacity: 1 } }table, .md-table-fig .md-table { border: 1px solid rgba(221, 221, 221, 1); border-radius: 10px; border-collapse: separate; overflow: hidden }table th, table td, .md-table-fig .md-table th, .md-table-fig .md-table td { padding: 10px 16px; border-top: 1px solid rgba(221, 221, 221, 1); border-left: 1px solid rgba(221, 221, 221, 1); transition: font-size 0.3s ease }table th:hover, table td:hover, .md-table-fig .md-table th:hover, .md-table-fig .md-table td:hover { font-size: calc(100% + 10% * var(--table-hover-effect) * var(--use-dynamic-effect)) }table th:first-child, table td:first-child, .md-table-fig .md-table th:first-child, .md-table-fig .md-table td:first-child { border-left: 0 }table thead, .md-table-fig .md-table thead { background-color: rgba(239, 245, 242, 1); color: rgba(6, 98, 30, 1) }table caption+thead tr:first-child th, table caption+thead tr:first-child td, table colgroup+thead tr:first-child th, table colgroup+thead tr:first-child td, table thead+tbody tr:first-child th, table thead+tbody tr:first-child td, table thead:first-child tr:first-child th, table thead:first-child tr:first-child td, .md-table-fig .md-table caption+thead tr:first-child th, .md-table-fig .md-table caption+thead tr:first-child td, .md-table-fig .md-table colgroup+thead tr:first-child th, .md-table-fig .md-table colgroup+thead tr:first-child td, .md-table-fig .md-table thead+tbody tr:first-child th, .md-table-fig .md-table thead+tbody tr:first-child td, .md-table-fig .md-table thead:first-child tr:first-child th, .md-table-fig .md-table thead:first-child tr:first-child td { border-top: 0 }table tbody+tbody, .md-table-fig .md-table tbody+tbody { border-top: 2px solid rgba(232, 244, 238, 1) }.md-table-fig .md-table-edit { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }.md-table-fig .md-table-edit .btn-default:hover { background-color: rgba(232, 244, 238, 1) }.md-table-fig .md-table-edit .md-table-resize-popover { -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16), 0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); 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color: rgba(106, 106, 106, 1) }#typora-source .cm-s-typora-default .cm-header, #typora-source .cm-s-typora-default .cm-property, #typora-source .CodeMirror.cm-s-typora-default div.CodeMirror-cursor { color: rgba(66, 139, 202, 1) }#typora-source .cm-s-typora-default .cm-atom, #typora-source .cm-s-typora-default .cm-number { color: rgba(119, 119, 119, 1) }#typora-source .CodeMirror-selectedtext { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important }.typora-node .file-list-item-parent-loc, .typora-node .file-list-item-time, .typora-node .file-list-item-summary { font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "PingFang SC", "Microsoft YaHei", sans-serif }在Unity中玩转表达式树:解锁游戏逻辑的动态魔法
在Unity 2021 LTS版本中,结合Burst Compiler可以将表达式树编译后的委托性能提升至接近原生C++代码水平,特别适合高频调用的游戏系统(如物理伤害计算、AI决策等)
[*]逻辑固化 - 编译后无法修改行为逻辑
[*]组件强耦合 - GameObject之间依赖关系复杂
[*]动态性不足 - 难以实现运行时逻辑热替换
表达式树(Expression Trees)技术通过将代码转换为可操作的数据结构,完美解决了这些问题。它允许我们:
一、 属性获取器
public int GetPlayerStat(Player p, string statName)
{ switch(statName) { case "Health": return p.Health; case "Mana": return p.Mana; // 每新增一个属性需要修改此处 }}
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;using UnityEngine;public class ExpressionTreeDemo : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { Player player = new () { Health = 100 }; Func<Player, int> healthProperty = CreatePropertyGetter<Player, int>("Health"); Debug.Log($"Player Health: {healthProperty(player)}"); } public int GetPlayerStat(Player player, string statName) { Func<Player, int> propertyGetter = CreatePropertyGetter<Player, int>(statName); return propertyGetter(player); } public Func<T, TProperty> CreatePropertyGetter<T, TProperty>(string propertyName) { ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x"); MemberExpression property = Expression.Property(param, propertyName); Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, TProperty>>(property, param); return lambda.Compile(); }}
应用场景:获取对象属性 技术要点:
public class ConditionTrigger : MonoBehaviour
{ public string ConditionExpression = "Player.Health.CurrentHP < 0.3"; public GameObject ContextObject; private Func<GameObject, bool> _compiledCondition; private static Dictionary<string, Func<GameObject, bool>> _cache = new(); void Start() { if (!_cache.TryGetValue(ConditionExpression, out _compiledCondition)) { var elements = ConditionExpression.Split('.'); var rootObj = Expression.Parameter(typeof(GameObject), "context"); Expression accessChain = rootObj; foreach (var element in elements.Skip(1)) { accessChain = Expression.PropertyOrField(accessChain, element); } var conditionExpr = BuildComparison(accessChain, "<", Expression.Constant(0.3f)); _compiledCondition = Expression.Lambda<Func<GameObject, bool>>(conditionExpr, rootObj).Compile(); _cache = _compiledCondition; } } void Update() { if (_compiledCondition(ContextObject)) { Debug.Log("触发条件!"); } } private Expression BuildComparison(Expression left, string operatorStr, Expression right) { return operatorStr switch { "<" => Expression.LessThan(left, right), ">" => Expression.GreaterThan(left, right), "==" => Expression.Equal(left, right), "!=" => Expression.NotEqual(left, right), "<=" => Expression.LessThanOrEqual(left, right), ">=" => Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right), _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"不支持的运算符: {operatorStr}") }; }}
应用场景:动态游戏事件触发 优势对比:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Linq.Expressions;using UnityEngine;// 使用示例public class ComboExample : MonoBehaviour{ private ComboSystem _comboSystem; void Start() { _comboSystem = new ComboSystem(); // 添加连招动作 _comboSystem.ActionExpressions.Add(GetComboExpression(typeof(AttackAnimation), nameof(AttackAnimation.Play), Expression.Constant("SwordSwing"))); _comboSystem.ActionExpressions.Add(GetComboExpression(typeof(EffectsManager), nameof(EffectsManager.Spawn), Expression.Constant("SwordHit"))); _comboSystem.ActionExpressions.Add(GetComboExpression(typeof(AttackAnimation), nameof(AttackAnimation.Play), Expression.Constant("SwordSwing2"))); _comboSystem.ActionExpressions.Add(GetComboExpression(typeof(DamageCalculator), nameof(DamageCalculator.Apply), Expression.Constant(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)), Expression.Constant(100f))); // 执行连招 _comboSystem.ExecuteCombo(); } Expression<Action> GetComboExpression(Type type, string methodName, params Expression[] args) { return Expression.Lambda<Action>(Expression.Call(type, methodName, null, args)); }}public class ComboSystem{ // 存储动作表达式的列表 public List<Expression<Action>> ActionExpressions = new(); // 执行连招 public void ExecuteCombo() { // 构建复合表达式 var comboBlock = Expression.Block( ActionExpressions.Select(exp => exp.Body) ); // 创建最终的表达式 //Compile() 方法将 Lambda 表达式编译为可执行的委托。 //Invoke() 方法调用该委托,从而执行块中的所有表达式。 var finalExpr = Expression.Lambda<Action>(comboBlock); finalExpr.Compile().Invoke(); // 执行连招 }}// 示例动作类public class AttackAnimation{ public static void Play(string animationName) { Debug.Log($"播放动画: {animationName}"); }}public class EffectsManager{ public static void Spawn(string effectName) { Debug.Log($"生成特效: {effectName}"); }}public class DamageCalculator{ public static void Apply(Vector3 position, float damage) { Debug.Log($"应用伤害: {damage} 到位置: {position}"); }}//生成特效: SwordHit//播放动画: SwordSwing2//应用伤害: 100 到位置: (0.00, 1.00, 0.00)
Expression.Block 是一个非常强大的功能,它允许我们将多个表达式组合成一个块(block),并在执行时按顺序执行这些表达式。
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;using System.Reflection;using UnityEngine;using Object = UnityEngine.Object;public class EnemyStateMachine : MonoBehaviour { //定义状态机委托,以Enemy和Hero为参数,返回一个以Enemy和Hero为参数的空方法 //它会根据英雄的状态(如生命值和距离)返回一个相应的行为函数。 Func<Enemy, Hero, Action<Enemy, Hero>> stateEvaluator; //存储当前行为函数 Action<Enemy, Hero> behavior; Enemy enemy; Hero hero; void Start() { enemy = FindObjectOfType<Enemy>(); hero = FindObjectOfType<Hero>(); stateEvaluator = CreateDynamicStateMachine(); } void Update() { //获取当前行为 behavior = stateEvaluator(enemy, hero); //执行当前行为 behavior(enemy, hero); Debug.Log("Enemy Aggression Level:", enemy.AggressionLevel); } public Func<Enemy, Hero, Action<Enemy, Hero>> CreateDynamicStateMachine() { //定义参数表达式 ParameterExpression enemyParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Enemy), "enemy"); ParameterExpression heroParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Hero), "hero"); //定义一个二元表达式 BinaryExpression heroLowHealth = Expression.LessThan( Expression.Property(heroParam, "Health"), Expression.Constant(30) ); BinaryExpression heroNear = Expression.LessThan( Expression.Property(heroParam, "Distance"), Expression.Constant(10f) ); Debug.Log($"HeroLowHealth{heroLowHealth}"); Debug.Log($"HeroNear{heroNear}"); var attack = CreateActionExpression("Attack").Compile(); var taunt = CreateActionExpression("Taunt").Compile(); var patrol = CreateActionExpression("Patrol").Compile(); //条件表达式,如果heroNear为真则执行taunt,否则执行patrol ConditionalExpression tauntOrPatrol = Expression.Condition(heroNear, Expression.Constant(taunt), Expression.Constant(patrol)); ConditionalExpression finalCondition = Expression.Condition(heroLowHealth, Expression.Constant(attack), tauntOrPatrol); // var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Enemy, Hero, Action<Enemy, Hero>>>(finalCondition, enemyParam, heroParam); return lambda.Compile(); } Expression<Action<Enemy, Hero>> CreateActionExpression(string methodName) { ParameterExpression enemyParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Enemy), "enemy"); ParameterExpression heroParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Hero), "hero"); MethodInfo method = typeof(Enemy).GetMethod(methodName, new[] { typeof(Hero) }); MethodCallExpression call = Expression.Call(enemyParam, method, heroParam); return Expression.Lambda<Action<Enemy, Hero>>(call, enemyParam, heroParam); }}
[*]参数定义:定义了两个参数 enemyParam 和 heroParam,用于表示敌人和英雄。
[*]heroLowHealth: 检查英雄的生命值是否低于 30。
[*]heroNear: 检查英雄与敌人的距离是否小于 10。
[*]使用 CreateActionExpression 方法创建 Attack、Taunt 和 Patrol 行为的表达式。
[*]使用 Expression.Condition 创建条件表达式,根据条件选择行为。
[*]返回 Lambda 表达式:最终返回一个 Lambda 表达式,接受 Enemy 和 Hero 作为参数,并返回相应的行为函数。
[*]参数定义:定义 enemyParam 和 heroParam。
[*]获取方法信息:使用反射获取 Enemy 类中与 methodName 相对应的方法。
[*]创建方法调用表达式:使用 Expression.Call 创建方法调用表达式,并返回一个 Lambda 表达式。